Automotive Window Tinting
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As a rule, I do not offer an entry level, economy, basic, comfort, single ply, dyed film, that starts to change color as soon as it is exposed to the elements. I do not believe in lowering the value of a customer’s car for a buck. After all, you might want to sell the vehicle or pass in on to your sixteen your old son or daughter. Unless you plan to use the vehicle in a demolition stunt made for television, movies, or u-tube, then $80.00 sounds pretty good.
What I do offer the customer is a very long lasting automotive window film that never changes color, never lightens up, and does not interfere with your am radio, satellite service or gps tracking. For those customers who want the lightest films with the most heat rejection, I also carry latest in Ceramic technology window films. I believe in making the decisions regarding automotive window film simple and easy. I have used, and know all of the films available for window tinting.
Warranties are only as good as the film itself. Lifetime warranties in itself do not mean anything these days. How the lifetime warranty is written and how long the automotive window film will actually last is everything.
Installationof an automotive window film is an art. I can show you a gallery of cars that we have done; however, pictures do not show how clean and precise our expert installation really is the leading standard.
Cost of Automotive Window Tinting
The cost of auto tinting is based on a number of factors. The year, make, model of the vehicle will determine the amount of work necessary to install window film. The number of pieces of glass and the type of film desired will ultimately determine the final cost of automotive window tinting.
Free Estimates
Call or Email Visions Tint for a free consultation and estimate for automotive window tinting.
From The Owner
24 years ago, when I opened my company, I was charging $165.00 to tint your average 4door vehicle. I was installing the top of the line film for the time. I was by far, not the most expensive company available for window tinting. However; a consumer use to be able to go down close to the border of Mexico and find a guy on the side of the street with a 20” roll of film, lock himself in the car for an hour or so and tint your car for about $80.00. Didn’t look very good, (overlap splices, daylight gaps on all sides, contamination under the film). Didn’t last very long either, (faded to purple or pink in a very short period of time, adhesive failure, “bubbling” within a year), though; the customer got what they paid for.
As the costs of everything from hand soap to tooth paste and everything in between have gone up in price, so has the cost of window tinting. Has research and development, technology, tools and installation techniques changed in window tinting? Absolutely! Mostly!
However, the other day, I heard of a company that had quoted a potential customer $80.00 to film their 4door vehicle, some things never change! I believe this was a hook, get the customer to come in and upgrade to a better film, at least I hope so! Although, I recently was given some film from an overseas company now trying to sell their film in the U.S., while in the process of investigating this film I noticed some of the color had scraped off onto my finger nail, “Are you kidding me?” Obviously, the manufacturer of this film is trying to take advantage of our current poor economy.
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